Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chapel Hill military regard Good Samaritans in attempted kidnapping


CHAPEL HILL -- A man who dragged a womanlike jogger in to a downtown parking lot Wednesday used a pepper-like mist on her and might have succeeded in kidnapping her had dual men pushing by not stopped to help, according to police.

"I think this immature lady might have been in grave risk if they had not intervened," Lt. Kevin Gunter pronounced this morning.

The 19-year-old lady was jogging past the parking lot nearby the dilemma of East Rosemary and North Columbia streets, about dual blocks from the UNC-Chapel Hill campus around 2 p.m.

The lot, only next the RBC Bank building, is ordinarily called the "Turtle Lot" since of a incomparable than hold up picture of sea turtles by Chapel Hill artist Michael Brown.

The witnesses told military they were pushing by and saw a man boring the lady from the path in to the parking lot, Gunter said.

The men got out of their car, and the think got in to a white Chevrolet and sped away, distinguished one of the witnesses on his approach out of the lot, Gunter said. He was taken to UNC Hospitals with what Gunter thinks were teenager injuries.

Fifteen mins after military found the Chevrolet at Mill Creek Condominiums and around 3:30 p.m. military saw the think on foot out from a tree line at Timber Hollow Apartments on Martin Luther King. Jr. Boulevard.

Theodore James Walker, 26, of 108 Timber Hollow Court, was arrested but incident, Gunter said. He was charged with second-degree kidnapping and attack on womanlike in tie with the purported kidnapping try and with attack with a lethal arms inflicting critical damage for allegedly distinguished the declare with his car.

Walkers down payment was set at $500,000.

Gunter pronounced military had a before shrill sound censure opposite Walker but no jot down of assault or drug or ethanol charges.

Police have not expelled the name of the lady or the man who was harmed since they are deliberate crime victims. Police have additionally not expelled the name of the second declare but might do so, Gunter said.

NOTE: If you saw Wednesdays situation or have some-more report greatfully call a contributor at 919-932-2003 or e-mail editor@nando.com for a follow-up story.


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